Which camp should I sign up my girl scout for?

Juniors, grades 4-5, can sign up for 3 day Junior Camp.

Cadettes and up, grades 6 and up, can sign up for 5-day Sport Sampler Camp.  

How old does my daughter have to be to sign up for 5 day Sports Sampler Camp?

Cadettes and up, grades 6 and up can sign up for 5-day Sport Sampler Camp.  

How old does my daughter have to be to sign up for 3 day Junior Camp?

Juniors, grades 5-6 can sign up for 3-day Jr. Paddle camp.  

Can my daughter request to be with a friend at camp?

You can submit one friend request for each camp.  During the camp day, there is a lot of interactions between the groups, so that you will be able to see your other friends as well. 

My daughter isn't a girl scout, can she sign up for boating camp?

She will have to sign up for membership, which is $25/year, but she will not need to join a troop.  All of our campers, PAs and volunteers are members of Girl Scouts.  You can go to https://mygs.girlscouts.org/ to sign up.  If you don't want to join a troop, just do a search in your area and choose "join without a troop" at the bottom of the list and follow the prompts to sign up for an account. 

How do we set up a carpool group?

The camper registration form has a section that allows you to name other campers that are in the carpool, as well as the parents that are driving.

Does Girl Scout boating camp have a scholarship available?

We have a Skipper Scholarship available that you can apply for, you can find it in the dropdown menu under programs.  We have one scholarship available every year, and anyone can apply. 

Rueter-Hess is not open to the public during the week, how do we get in to camp?

We will send you a car pass that allows you into the park.  Parker Water is very careful about the amount of people they allow to use the reservoir, and we have a partnership with them that allows us to have one of our camps there.  We strive to be respectful of this honor so that we may continue to enjoy a good relationship. 

How do I use my cookie credits to pay for camp?

To use cookie credits, complete the online registration form and pay for camp in full. Once your payment is received you will be emailed a receipt for your camp payment. After you have received this receipt and have your cookie credit card in hand, 

Go to: http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/for-volunteers/forms-and-resources/credit-reimbursement0.html and fill out the cookie credit reimbursement form. Girl Scouts of Colorado will reimburse you directly for the amount of cookie credits you are applying to the cost of camp.

What if I don't feel comfortable signing the photo release. 

We will not include campers in any activity or group photos unless the photo release is signed.   Unfortunately there would be some activities on the final day that your camper will not be able to participate in. 

Is my camper eligible to train to be a Program Aide? 

If your camper is 14, is going into high school and has been to two sessions of H2O Sport Sampler Camp, then we can train her to be a Program Aide .

Camp Dates

Big Soda Lakewood

7:45am - 2:45pm

June 16-20, 2025

Sport Sampler Camp

June 18-20, 2025

Jr. Paddle Camp

Rueter-Hess Reservoir, Parker

7:45am - 2:45pm

July 14-18, 2025

Sport Sampler Camp

July 16-18, 2025
Jr Paddle Camp